Ok, so I'm sick of all this fucking talk about girls only liking "bad guys" who will treat them like shit. We love this, apparently.
Inspired by a spirited, hilarious and - at times - disturbing manifesto from a male friend of mine whom I absolutely adore, I'm going to attack head-on, the ridiculous theory that girls don't want anything to do with "nice guys". And I have heard this theory at least three times recently from three separate and distinct self-proclaimed "nice guys" (two of whom have now adopted a deliberate strategy to become "bad guys").
See, this friend of mine is an amazing catch. Intelligent, funny, good-looking, courteous, ambitious, trustworthy, hardworking - an all-around great guy. Though he is crazy. And Argentinian. But he does have a very sexy accent. The ladies do love the Latin tongue....
So why is this fabulous guy so jaded by womanhood? Ladies - are we that fucked! Do we REALLY want the assholes?
Here's the thing. Girls will quite happily sleep around with "bad guys" and indulge in a tumultuous fling or two before our metabolisms catch up with us and the dimples start to show on the back of our thighs. But it's like eating chocolate. We know that it's really bad for us in large doses but we do like to treat ourselves every now and again. But "bad guys" are not a staple part of any girl's sexual or emotional diet. Exciting, yes. Healthy, no.
You know - I'm all for the "bad guy" strategy as a short-term endeavour. The best thing is that they are easily disposable and even more easily replaceable. And without all that messy guilt to cloud your clinical emotional judgement. But a nice guy will love your dimpled thighs, patiently endure your insecurities and cook you eggs in the morning. They will ultimately jump happily into the domestic nest at just the right age.
Think about this, ladies and gentleman. What happens to the "bad guys" when all the "nice guys" have rings on their fingers and happy fat wives at home? Here are some of the most likely outcomes:
1) They sit alone at the pub after 8pm on a weeknight; pushing 40, tattooed and mulletted, eyes glued to the trots on Fox Sports, beer in one hand, TAB ticket in the other
2) They can often be spotted carrying home grocery bags containing a couple of spuds, several packets of two minute noodles, a few tins of baked beans and a cheap bottle of scotch
3) They end up in prison. They still get plenty of sex, sure, but it's all back-door action from a fat lifer called Bubba.
4) They end up having several simultaneous online "relationships" with bored trans-continental housewives and men masquerading as women for kicks.
5) They spend far too much money downloading internet porn and supporting children they conceived out of wedlock ten years ago but refused to accept parental responsibility for because it interfered with their sexy dick-swinging bachelor lifestyle.
6) They tend to fixate on material possessions like cars, elaborate hi-fi systems and model train sets to repress their desperate need for intimacy and physical connection.
7) They end up stuck in Jerry Springer-style physically and emotionally abusive relationships with women who have a sense of self-worth roughly equivalent to that of a dead newt.
8) They end up dead. Or in rehab. Or penniless in a Salvation Army hostel for men.
Trust me gentlemen. Us ladies LOVE "nice guys". Nice guys are keepers. Bad guys are sexual roadkill on the relationship highway, callously left to rot in a long-forgotten mess. You really don't want that.