Saturday, May 28, 2005


Ok, so it was that idiotic "Crazy Frog" ringtone that launched my recent shambling tirade bemoaning the cancerous state of modern culture.

So I'm reading the newspaper today, and I came across a disturbing statistic that adds weight to my recent thesis. The Crazy Frog ringtone is set to beat the new Coldplay album to the number one spot in the UK Charts. The evil amphibian has outsold the heartfelt rockers by a margin of three to one, in its first day on sale.

SCARY FACT NUMBER 1: Over one million seriously deluded people have already purchased the Crazy Frog ringtone.

SCARY FACT NUMBER 2: It will be the first time that a ringtone has reached the top of the charts.

SCARY FACT NUMBER 3: The Crazy Frog will no doubt follow up his smash success with yet another idiotic ringtone. This one has "pop-culture phenomenon" written all over it.

I weep for my fellow men.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man! You guys are running about three months late to Sydney. The crazy frog is old news here... now we have the farting monkeys, the screaming cock, the dancing blob and the list continues as such!
I figure that as long as your ring tone doesn't sound just plain Vodafone factory like, that you will have some sence of not feeling like an old nagging housewife who's forgotten how to enjoy the simple things in life. eg. the other day there was a pensioner on my train with the Advance Australia Fair ringtone and all I heard after that was ... 'yes dear,yes dear, yes only two beers dear... :D!!!
The freak!

5:26 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Yes indeed. Sometimes it feels as though we are about three millenia behind the rest of the world. Damn backward-ass state.

I'm still pissed off that they didn't even broadcast the State of Origin until 10:30 pm local time. Only about 4 hours after the fucking thing had finished on the East Coast.

I missed the bloody State of Origin!!! It's a bloody institution for chrissake!!

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What sort of f***ed up music industry allows a ringtone into it's charts? It's not cricket!

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if i ever heard anyones phone ring with that annoying fucking frog crap i would immediately poke out their eye.

or glare.


7:25 PM  

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