Ok, so I feel as though I should have an opinion on this whole Shapelle Corby mass outpouring of self-righteous indignation phenomenon.
But besides mouthing the predictable comparisons between the baffling disparity of sentences handed down for jihad junkies planting bombs in Bali and beauty therapist bogans smuggling hash into Bali, I am strangely bereft of concern for any of it.
I mean, I should probably really care more, I guess. But to be honest, I have no interest whatsoever in examining all the available evidence before coming to my own conclusions. As I am sure that everyone else with an opinion on this subject has already done. The debacle that is the Trial By Media. Why the fuck should we believe any of it? Do these people have any idea how the media actually functions?
Let's bandy around a hypothetical scenario, shall we (hypothetical because I don't actually know whether it is indeed true, and as mentioned previously, have no interest in making any effort in determining whether or not it is true) Anyway, let’s just say – for example - that Channel 9 have a vested interest in making her appear innocent and stirring up public sympathy because they have paid for the exclusive rights to "The Schapelle Story", and are sending their sales reps into overdrive crunching the numbers on their subsequently increased advertising rates.
Now say that the above scenario was true. If Channel 9 were to lean towards framing the verdict as "guilty", presumably public interest in the case would deteriorate. Public sympathy for Schapelle would wane. So would their ratings. And more importantly, so would their advertising rates. And they’ve paid for this chick. They have to make that money back somehow. The perception of injustice is far more likely to engender interest in a subject, than would a standard "Ok she's guilty - do the crime pay the time". Feeling sedated and sated we could then switch over to watch Big Brother and go on with our miserable lives. And more importantly, we'd never have to watch Channel 9 ever again - thank God and Ray Martin for that.
Look, don’t even bother reading the last couple of paragraphs of dribble. Basically, it comes down to this. The media are shaping the opinions of the mass public. The media have their own agenda, one which is not a judicial or legal function. So anyone with an opinion on this is a dick, because it is necessarily a limited and uniformed opinion. And I’m all for having uninformed opinions, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t have one myself in this case and I’m feeling kind of jacked off because of it.
So essentially, I’ve come to the completely unrelated and arbitrary conclusion that I really don’t give a crap about what happens to this girl. I wish I did though. It might have made for a much more interesting post. Schapelle’s loss is now your loss. And that’s all that really matters.
This is a bit OT, but I know how much you love another media-generated-sensation - Mr. Fabulous-Fro himself, Guy Sebastian. Here's a disturbing snippet of news I just found out -
What do you think ?
Howdy Mel,
"So anyone with an opinion on this is a dick, because it is necessarily a limited and uniformed opinion."
Hehe - you know me . . . can't resist a gauntlet thrown.
Once you advance a few years, you will be delighted to find that information takes the high road, and opinions take the low road (and nobody necessarily makes it to Scotland.) *Cracking myself up - all I know about Scotland is that great tape they developed, and that song.* No condescension, just regrettable fact.*
Prisons,internationally, are full of clearly expressive framed conspiracy theorists. This is why the world, regrettably, created prisons. Most of them cannot accept their own piss-poor decisions. Not a flighty spur of the moment decision - I'm talking plural, plural decizzzzhhhuuuunnnzzzz!
I'm guilty of denial too. Plenty of times. But, I'm not in an Indonesian prison. I cannot imagine the scnerio. I have a slightly better fate: working for our mutual employer. lol
I know diplomats on both sides of the fence are shitting themselves *mint on pillow, bubbly breakfasts suspended indefinitely.*
Meanwhile, maybe future Australian generations can get smart and read the message in Shapelle's stark, weeping eyes.
Or else Australia can float a boat up there and sink it themselves with great fanfare (see Spanish-American War.) But I cannot see that as being a great decision under the current worldwide circumstances.
As for Channel 9, they represent global media to a degree . . . thay are just less talented. *Not to mention governmental influence.*
Australia needs more rockin' FM stations. What's the deal?
Ha ha maybe I should have used the word "numbnuts" instead of dick, hey Hes...;)
I don't know if you had the benefit, but over here we were treated to a colour photo of Schapelle's cell by the SMH. IMHO, the rumours of her impending death are exaggerated... that place compares favourably with my pad in Enmore. Y'know, except for the armed guards.
And don't get me started on this 'free Schapelle' boycott crap. Are the Indonesians flexing on us for impounding all their fishing boats? Nup. The law is the law, and standing around whining is only going to make us look like a pack of xenophobes. Grow the hell up...
Yeah - go the backlash!
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