Saturday, May 07, 2005


Ok, so what exactly is it about me that screams “bogan” (or “westie” for our brethren in the Eastern states)?

So it’s Friday afternoon and I’m in some wanky overpriced faux-European pub in Perth with a few workmates. Think $6 for a stubbie of Cascade Light beer and unpronouceable ales from the Eastern Bloc served in fucking wine glasses for $10 a pop. And before the geo-political lectures commence, let me first say that I do realise that Belgium is not and never was a Communist state, but by that same token must also confess that I don’t really know or care where the fuck it is. Their beer is shit and expensive. Enough said.

So I’m serving tenure at the bar, waiting to invest the meagre remainder of the “Sydney Fund” with my otherwise-occupied ale-slinging bartender Murray, and am restless and distracted enough to start up a conversation with the gentleman standing beside me.

Turns out to be a bloody Scotsman, of course. Like all people in Perth – or to be precise, those who weren’t born or raised here - he didn’t seem to know exactly why the hell he was here, but was certain enough to state for the record that out of all the places he had been in Australia, it had to rank as the most soulless and boring of the lot. A statement which would otherwise have seen him lynched on the spot by a posse of Perth locals hepped up on Euro-trash beer and small-town parochial fervour, had he not been speaking to a similarly lost and bored expat from Sydney, who shared his feelings of bewilderment and exile.

So we chat as we both continue our lengthy wait for Murray – gunning hard for the title of “World’s Least Dynamic Bartender” – to attend to our orders before heading back to our respective beer drinking buddies.

Turns out that my Scottish companion had been living in Coogee back in Sydney, and asked me where I was from. So I told him that I had been living in and around the Inner West for the last few years – Newtown, Leichhardt, Camperdown – and he nodded his appreciation for the region.

So I’m choking back the tears as I’m reminiscing about Toa - my erstwhile bartender from the Annandale Hotel - pulling me a fast and cheap VB from the tap, when completely out of the blue, my Scottish friend asked me if I was from Blacktown.

What the fuck!?!

I’m still fucking speechless, even now. I got fucking outed within the space of three minutes. The guy was spot on, yes, but where does a Scotsman get off spotting my bogan roots from over 4000kms away? It led me to start thinking, what exactly is it about me that screams “bogan”? I’m smart, I’m, literate, I’m articulate – and I wasn’t even wearing my Meatloaf t-shirt!

Sure, so I say the word “fuck” more often than may otherwise be deemed necessary, I’m a smidgin rough around the edges and I tend to speak loudly and without refinement, but I have a job, a future and a full set of teeth.

I still don’t get it.

Though I have to say in all honesty, that I’m secretly proud of my working class roots. It gives me a fabulous arsenal of ammunition to fuck with the heads of pretentious twats from private-school leafy-suburb backgrounds. Me with my parent’s pristine collection of Reader’s Digest Condensed Books and $90 a year public education. And a university degree paid for with riches accumulated slinging sausages in a butcher shop (managed by my Dad) for five years. The very same fertile environment which gave birth to my love of VB. Fuck the smart bombs. I’m a smart bogan.

Say it loud, I’m a Westie and I’m proud.

Now bring me a beer so easy to pronounce it’s fucking abbreviated!

Man that post sucked. Too much cheap wine and too many hyphens.


Blogger Lady Meerkat said...

Ooh you're on a roll with your postings at the moment :D

But Stella Artois (which I can't spell but can pronounce) is my first choice in beer! Acquired my taste for it at the Belgian Beer Gardens where they charge $6 for it on tap and pull a very special, skillful, gourmet bit of beer. I'll drink Becks or Heinneken only when Stella is not available. $10 is def. too much for a beer, even a boutique/exotic beer [nod]. You must like your beer extra bitter, which the Belgian stuff tends not to be.

PS. Belgium is a westie bit of Europe (my Dad is Belgian).

11:31 PM  
Blogger Lady Meerkat said...

Actually correction: it's $6 for a plate of chips with mayo and $5 for the beer ($6 if you have it in a bottle, go figure) :)

11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, you can take the girl out of Blacktown...

I paid $8 for a Little Creatures at the Crown in Cogee the other week, so don't talk to me about expensive beers that aren't even very good. And what's with there being no Swan Draught in Sydney? Are these people fucked or what?

12:59 AM  
Blogger Mel said...

OMG - How can you say that LC is shit! Weirdo.

Do love my Creatures but $8 is pure Sydney wankdom. And yes, people in Coogee (or anywhere east of Ultimo) are fucked. Stay away from the CBH. It's the Sydney equivalent of the OBH, but filled with eastern suburbs pseudo-sophisticates who are slumming it for the evening. Riaowwww.....

Becks and Heineken are little more than flavoured water. Yanks can't do beer. I'd rather drink XXXX.

Mmmmm... beer.

5:25 PM  
Blogger Lady Meerkat said...

[confesses she is a bit girly in her tastes] :P At least I'll drink beer now, not shandies :D That's progress!

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...i would recommend Coopers Pale Ale but then again that might be too soft on your grizzled taste buds Mel :)......after i was stung paying $39 for a case of Carlton Draught (standard North Shore price!) i went in search of something cheaper.....Coopers is like $36 and well worth it....oh and i can get Heineken for $39 a case as an everyday price - thats gotta be some kind of record for anywhere is Sydney let alone the north shore!!

7:09 AM  
Blogger Disappearing Boy said...

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8:37 AM  
Blogger Disappearing Boy said...

Mmm ... Little Creatures ! I had the chance to sample some of that the other week in Kiama, visiting some of IG's relatives. It's great stuff !

Becks = German, Heineken = Dutch ... but then I'm sure you knew that. Don't mind a bit of the old Becks (especially on tap), but Heineken is the 90's wanky yuppie equivelant of Corona.

Getting back to the Blacktown 'issue' ... hehe that's funny ! Whilst I remember you insisting on eating the steak (or was it pasta ... what the fuck was going on with your Italian heritage that night, chica ?) with your hands at my graduation dinner in '98 ... you've progressed much in the ways of the inner-city sophisticate since the. So I'm very surprised this dude managed to so closely pinpoint your location of origin. Marayong of course is more the gentrified, 'aspirational class' type of westie slum than the 'rough part of Sydney' (as Robin Lau from Girlfriend once described it) that Blacktown proper is, but the Scots Git was close ....

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're all insane (except you Mel)- give me a big fat schooner of VB any day! And don't get me started on the Eastern Suburbs or else I may be here all day...

Aimz (yes I'm an Inner-West westie) xx

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...the fact that 1 in 4 beers sold in Australia is a VB must signify that there are plenty of westie/bogans drinking it ;)......sorry but even being fiercely proud of anything Victorian will not draw me into regularly consuming it....there are plenty of great domestic Australian beers (except Tooheys)...but hey each to their own.

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I mentioned a few days ago to Anton that you ARE becoming more of a Westy with each passing day, even from the great distance of Perth to Syd... ( stop fighting it and live it up! )
Has everyone here forgotten what beer is all about?!?!?! Cold and smooth so you can slam it down hard!! I even HATE the VB ADD! and the guy reciting it even more!
I found that I also pass on the New for a Carlton but enjoy a COLD or EXTRA DRY best!
ooh ooh and MEL: YES, a Fuck a sentence gives the westy within something to look forward to....

2:06 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Oh man, don't even start me on those new-school VB ads.... The ones with the kebabs and shit. I want the old-school cattle rustlin' sheep-shearin' ads back.


5:39 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Ha ha oops...! Sorry IG!

Can we all at least agree that XXXX is shit?

5:42 PM  
Blogger Lady Meerkat said...

[does the VB jingle music] Ba bababa ba BAH! :P [doesn't pay much attention to country of origin on consumables]

7:08 PM  

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