Monday, March 20, 2006


OK, so the only mail I get these days tends to fall into one of two categories: bills or rejection letters. Here is the direct transcript (and unspoken subtext) of a rejection letter that arrived today. A Mellipop exclusive for you, dear voyeur.

Private and Confidential

Villa Le Bogan
Quakers Hill 2763

Dear Mellipop, (Dear Loser,)

Thank you for your interest (incomprehensible) and application (if you could even call it that), for the position of National Advertising Coordinator (why the fuck would you want this shitty, soul-annihilating job anyway, loser?).

We regret (ha, ha – sure we do!) to advise you that after careful consideration (a lot of arse-scratching was done), your application (if you could even call it that) for employment has not been successful on this occasion (fuck off, loser). We received a number of applications (fuck all, really), with a number of other applicants (all of them - including the mentally handicapped hobo who pissed in a rented pot plant in our reception area) better matching the selection criteria for the position (being able to wipe your own arse without requiring assistance).

I would like to thank you for the time and effort you made with your application (which was clearly close to zero), and would encourage you to apply for any other vacant position you consider suitable (as long as it is not with this company).

Yours sincerely (Get Fucked),

Tamara XXX
Chief of Sodomy (Broken Bottle Division)
Dead End Job Pty Ltd
A subsidiary of Ass-Lickers Incorporated


Thanks for your clearly uninformed and somewhat puzzlesome contribution, Anonymous (not too anonymous obviously, as we would seem to share a mutual acquaintance called Bazza, though for whatever reason you cowardly chose to post under the "anonymous" imprimatur anyway).

Who said anything about living with my Mum and Dad? I live with my fiancee in our own home.

You think I'm sad? At least I'm not peering greedily into someone else's life solely for the cynical opportunity to post two paragraphs of snarky pot shots from behind a wall of cyber-anonymity. Glad that my satirical commentary on my current life situation has made you feel somewhat superior.

Oh and P.S. I'd quite happily spend my 30th partying with my folks, as I rather enjoy their company.

- Mellipop replies to "Anonymous" [for some inexplicable reason, Blogger isn't showing the above text in the Mellipop Back in the Saddle comments field. Mellipop thus assumes that Blogger has hitherto unrevealed pacifist leanings]

Ok, so we seem to have a blog spat brewing at a previous post. I wouldn't normally dignify anonymous snipes with a reply (and certainly won't fuel the fires in future), but the fact that the comment has come from someone who appears to know me - but is reluctant to reveal themself - is a curious one. I can only presume that this person found out about the existence of Mellipop through a mutual acquaintance whose name was mentioned in the comments-field diatribe that inspired this post.

I also know that a similar thing has happened to my fellow blogger and best-friend-in-real-life Disappearing Boy. I can only presume that this person moves in the same incestuous circles that caused a comments-field shitstorm on DB's blog last year.

Being a keen observer of human behaviour, I'm trying to understand the psychology of someone who chooses not to socialise or have any contact with me in real life, but still makes the effort to read my blog, and subsequently makes a further effort to then post two entire paragraphs of childish insults from behind a defensive wall of cyber-anonymity.

I find this behaviour rather odd, and more than a little hilarious. Am I truly that fascinating?

Goddamnit, I must be....

P.S. Aaahhh..... I miss the good old days when this sort of thing was thrashed out over a few beers down at the pub. How about it, Anonymous? I'm extending the cold schooner of peace....

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Ok, so flicking though my pitiful output over the last few months, I just noticed something that would be totally hilarious if it wasn't so darn pathetic.

I christened my most recent "comeback post" this morning as "Mellipop Back in the Saddle".

It would appear that way back on October 4 last year, I also posted an excuse-laden "comeback post" entitled "Mellipop Back in the Saddle".

First miserable post in after yet another extended break and I'm already starting to repeat myself. Do you see the pattern here?

I never did like horses anyway....


Ok, so sincere apologies to anyone who logged on or posted comments during my extended absence. Certain friends have commented that they felt closer to me when I was over in WA, 'cos at least I had the blog thing happening. I would definitely agree, and hope to work on that breach, starting with the resumption of Mellipop activity.

Even the fucking spam commenters have given up on me.....


OK, so there’s nothing like a mid-morning flogging on to instigate my much-belated return to blogging. Many of you may be forgiven for assuming that my months-long silence has come as the result of a triumphant return to Sydney, and my subsequent engagement in a whole manner of debauched partying, glamorous scenstering and lucrative full-time employment opportunities.

Alas, the real reasons for my silence are as follows:

a) Apathy – self explanatory

b) Temperature – I live in Quakers Hill. When the mercury climbs to 35 degrees in “Sydney”, it climbs to 45 degrees in Quakers Hill, and subsequently climbs to 55 degrees upstairs in my un-insulated, un-airconditioned two-story townhouse. To simply sit at my computer entails that I be attached to a drip to avoid fatal dehydration. I shit you not. During summer I sweat more just SITTING at my computer, than the combined fluid loss of the twelve fat, sweaty contestants on the Australian version of The Biggest Loser. And that INCLUDES all the self-pitying tears those big fucking nancies shed every episode.

c) Creative inertia – Selling sausages does little to fire the synapses. Brain dead job = brain dead blog. Be thankful I have spared you all the agony.

So I’m making a tentative attempt to come back to blogging, if only to cast my recent failures in a humorous light for the sake of my own sanity. And to feel like I still have something to contribute to humanity, society, eternity. Even if it’s just gratuitous obscenity.

A brief summary of the last five or six months would go as follows:

Moved home, working retail, dogs destroying house, family bbqs, dog number one has an expensive series of serious allergic reactions to the fucking grass in Quakers Hill, working retail, dog number two has a massive anaphylactic reaction to bee sting, looking for a job, working retail, not getting any interviews, working retail, discovering that my mobile phone number was wrong on all my cover letters, furious cussing, working retail, we start dog training after dogs number one and two eat a hobbit-size hole in the kitchen wall, dog number two contracts kennel cough as the result of a kennel cough vaccination, new hair cut, dogs currently going mental and loudly smacking their stupid heads on my bookcase as the opening bars of “Been Caught Stealing” by Jane’s Addiction – complete with recording of someone else’s dogs barking - begins to play on iTunes.

And that about covers it.

The lack of decent job thing is starting to shit me. My open-hearted attempts at honesty as it pertains to job applications have thus far gotten me nowhere. So it’s time to get “creative”. IT’S TIME TO FUCKING LIE, BABY.

In order to play the “fucking hire me (or at least freakin’ interview me)” game, I have now dumbed down my resume to the extent where a six month tenure in a sheltered workshop sticking address labels on envelopes wouldn’t look amiss. I have also “tweaked” various details so that I don’t come across as the old, overeducated, underachieving, western suburban bogan that I am.

* I've now included the CORRECT mobile phone number on all documents
* The word “manager” has been replaced by the word “coordinator” in previous job-titles
* I've removed my date of birth to hide my age (fuuuuuuckkkkk!!!)
* My educational qualifications have been entirely deleted to conceal the fact that I have a bachelor degree
* I've included a false address (inhabited by an ex-flatmate) to hide the fact that I now live in Quakers Hill
* Plus I’ve deleted my home phone number to outsmart any smarty-pants potential employer who may be alerted to the fact that the phone prefix places me snugly up the stinky rectal cavity of the Western Suburbs, and not in the funky “Inner West” suburb my false address implies

So all I need to do now is actually send the fuckers out. And keep slinging snags in the meantime.

Postscript: I know, it’s not exactly the inspired return I was hoping for….. Consider the creative blockage cleared, at least.