Ok, so far be it from me to get all geo-political on you, but I read something on SMH today that rather quite pissed me off.
No, for once it involves neither the anti-tobacco lobby, nor my anti-furniture Staffys. But it does involve two of my other favourite pub-debate whipping boys - the Christian right and American foreign policy. Combine the two and you have one motherfucking dangerous ideology.
So anyway, the president of the US Christian Coalition - who we will call Pat Robertson because that is his name - has publicy called for the assassination of democratically-elected Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Who it would appear, is a dirty-lefty and a "terrific danger" to the United States. To be precise, Hugo was accused by Pat of turning his country into "the launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism" and called for some good old fashioned covert operations to "take him down", thus saving the American taxpayers the expense of another $200 billion war.
Ah, god bless you Pat, you're a fiery old coot. The communist thing is SO 1965. This is the same man who also once declared that feminism "encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians". Though he did forget to mention the greater feminist sins of unsightly body hair and criminal dress sense. Plus, the feminist thing is SO 1975.
Anyway, apparently Prez Hugo is a "dictator". One who was elected by a landslide in the 1998 presidential election and undertook social reform to bridge the gap between rich and poor. Naughty Hugo. Plus he said some nasty things about a few filthy rich oil barons and criticised the US for their war on Iraq. Naughty, naughty Hugo. Plus he's mates with bloody Castro. Je-sus! Go on Hugo, off to the corner to have a serious think about it.
Pat, our man of God, reaches an average 1 million American viewers daily. And is seemingly taken quite seriously. Though he is seemingly quite deranged.
Yeah, because if Jesus were alive today he'd have invaded Tehran and be exporting Destiny's Child CDs to Iraq.
Silly boy.
Hi Mel,
You think HE'S deranged!!?? You sould see the knuckle scraping one tooth droolers who take him seriously!! Remember the post-lobotomy Jack Nicholson in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?" Well, he came across as tuned-in and vibrant compared to these miscreants.
Back in "The States" Pat Robertson was frequently inflicted upon me (for the short duration it took me to turn the channel.) Oh, but he is not alone. There are legions of these cynical bastards seeking the bottom dollars of the desparately witless.
Ever been to a "Tent Revival" in Crane, Texas? I have, and the experience haunts me. At fourteen, I bowed to extreme peer pressure and bacame "saved." Men, women, and children sang about being "washed in the blood of the lamb." I remember thinking, "Can you get more gross?"
But I went through it. Thinking back, I get an icky feeling about the experience.
Religious extremism has to go. These behaviours have no place in modern societies. Humanity must, rightfully, ignore them. The media must do the proper thing and turn its back, regardless of the ample dollars and perfect teeth being flashed before it.
It will not die. But, like a cancer in remission, it will not overwhelm. We pray.
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