Ok, so there's nothing like a written rental inspection report featuring a cavalier use of the word "aghast" (and several other less than complimentary adjectives) to drag my grumpy old ass out of semi-retirement.
So two days on, now that my initial homicidal rage has dissipated into a mere slow-burning vengeful rage, I am now somewhat composed enough to vent my spleen safe in the knowledge that it will not result in me hurling my long-suffering Mac through the window to my right.
Write THAT up on your inspection report, motherfuckers.
Before I proceed to share the tawdry details of said rental inspection report, I’ll preface my rant by saying that a) we had managed to have the lino floors completely returned to their original state thanks to a bit of luck sourcing lino offcuts at the eleventh hour (the exact pattern had long been discontinued, according to each and every vinyl floor purveyor we had spoken to on our search), b) we had spent the whole weekend tirelessly cleaning up to avoid any possible recriminations and c) the bitch turned up seven hours early for the inspection.
Now if I had been the one at home, the motherfucker wouldn’t have made it through the front door. She would have been packed up on her merry motherfucking way and told to return at the scheduled time later that day.
But my sweet and naïve Anton is a trusting a soul, and - having nothing to hide - let her in the house to do the inspection first thing in the morning, when he was still in his pyjamas.
So the motherfucker, who we will simply call Margot (as she cowardly refused to divulge her last name, unfortunately she cannot be named and shamed as the witch she truly is) slithered her filthy way into our home and Anton’s trust.
According to his report at the time, Margot did not manifest the level shock and outrage that was to later appear in our written rental inspection report. The Devil is sly. The Devil is duplicitous. The Devil will seduce you with a falsely charming and cordial exterior while all the while it secretly plots to destroy you.
The following are some choice cuts (taken verbatim) from the carve-up that was Margot’s inspection report. In the interests of truth and fairness Mellipop’s version is also contributed in each instance.
Bedrooms All rooms in chaos. No sign of order. Beds unmade, mess everywhere. Mainly untidy.
Bedrooms Margot is playing with the truth a bit here. The bed was unmade. And yes, we only have one bed, not plural “beds”. So one unmade bed becomes “chaos”, “mess everywhere” and “mainly untidy”. Presumably Margot makes her bed the very nano-second she gets up in the morning, every morning. On second thought, no she wouldn’t. The Devil does not sleep.
Loungeroom Furniture has been eaten.
Loungeroom Furniture has been eaten. OUR FURNITURE. Mellipop regulars would no doubt have seen the photographic evidence pertaining to what is left of our couch. Anton was supposed to have used our “Break in Case Guests Arrive” throw rug, mostly used in such situations to hide the damning evidence of our dog ownership (ie a less than pristine lounge suite - oh the horror). Though we hadn’t anticipated that our “guest” was going to arrive seven hours early so she got to see the couch in all it’s chewed up glory.
I always hated that couch anyway. It was never going to make it back to Sydney with us.... Any day now, kids.....
Kitchen Untidy – dishes undone.
Kitchen Tidy. Oven cleaned. All laminated surfaces and cupboard doors freshly scrubbed. Dishes done and stacked up on the drying rack. Margot is being a little generous with the truth here again. The Devil is left wanting in attention to detail.
Laundry Ditto (as in, “untidy” from her previous commentary on the kitchen).
Laundry For “ditto”, read “did not even enter the laundry”.
Bathroom Didn’t bother to inspect it – judging by the rest of the house I had seen enough.
Bathroom If Margot had “bothered” to do her job properly, the lazy motherfucker would have noted that the bathroom was actually clean, having been doused in Domestos and set ablaze the day before. The Devil is truly a lazy, incompetent, lying cunt. Though to her credit, she was at least honest enough in this one instance to admit that she hadn’t even looked at it before judging the room to be the same calibre of filth as the rest of the house. Nice work.
Back garden A complete wilderness.
Back garden There are a healthy abundance of trees, plants and grass (nicely trimmed) in our back garden. Was she expecting some topiary, a Japanese Zen garden or a suburban wog-style expanse of stark white concrete dotted with nude statues of ancient deities?
And good ol’ Margot wrapped it all up by saying:
“I’m sorry but I had nothing to compare against this inspection. As I had never seen it before I could only be aghast at its present condition. I would say any owner would not be happy at seeing the house in its present state”.
All I can say is that if Margot ever tires of her job as a scum-sucking, bottom-feeding real estate agent, she’ll make a great tabloid journalist. Grade-A cunt.
....and isn't it a shame that the dogs weren't around......then we probably would have seen you writing this entry from a roadside cardboard box somewhere....hey i think everyone knows the solution to this and you don't need to be reminded about it for the millionth time......come back soon Mel :)
Hi Mel,
I'm completely jubilant at your re-emergance from retirement. And did you EVER come back with a bang! I don't think I've seen or heard the word "motherfucker" as much since my traditional morning rage (hours ago.)
Yes, I must admit, I was on the verge of returning to my new fave web site:
Then, I thought to myself, "Nigel, (hiding my true identity)just give Mel one more check." Wooooo Hooooo!
I have mixed emotions about Margot. On one side, I empathise with your characterisation of this horrendous creature. On the other side, I think of the unlikeliest, impossible, possibility that my "ex" has finally gotten off of her chocolate filled ass, and has obtained a job! The juxtaposition is uncanny.
Yes, "eaten furniture" never looks good on a R.E. report. But, one good thing, our best and brightest - the WA Police rarely make "eaten furniture" calls (unless a wealthy furniture proprietor calls it in, and the furniture eater is there, still eating furniture, after a three hour delay.) A male-female "cop team" will sternly strut around asking about what you have may have done to encourage furniture eating. Meanwhile, the furniture eater ran down the street chasing a removalist's truck. One good thing, you may get a pamphlet entitled "Your Furniture, and You," and two crooked smiles.
Do I ramble? Hell yes!
My point is, welcome back!
Adios mi Amiga!
You should add at the bottom of that check list a section under CITY sorrounding property / perth.. Sad, empty, broke, boring, job-career less,isolated far ass of the world, full of westies with funny english accents, motherfuckers and real estate old cunt hags...
Check mate biatch!
take care ;)
Ever tried living like a human being? Oh in case youre not sure what that is......its living tidy, and decently without animals who eat and destroy furniture....hmm...ever tried that? stop making apologies and blaming the agent who after all is doing her job. Yuk! to your squalid ways!
Anonymous...I guess you don't ever want to pop around for a cup of tea then....
Your name isn't Margot by any chance, is it?
....hey Anonymous I so pity if you ever have children.....what are you gonna do.....beat them if they spill their cornflakes???.... life ain't all about having the bed made first thing in the morning and all the dirty laundry in the basket!!!!!
Hey Mel, At Parramatta we had the unit from hell - cupboards and oven non usable - yet we had no probs like this... I would def send a letter and maybe send to the paper too - that will show them...
As for the post by anonymous, the fact there was no name said it all, a coward who has no guts to stand up for their beliefs. Probably still lives at home where mum makes bed and does all the work too...
And before you hide behind another comment ANONYMOUS - I am a single dad who does all my own cleaning etc, when I can.. Spending time with my son and having a life is more important than making a bed..
hi sue here - aka anonymous.
I am a mom, and have three daughters,who all live at home, have lived out, but back now. I also have 2 dogs - outside in a warm garage at night...beacuse if they lived in I can see them doing the same damage as your 2 terrors. I think making the bed and chucking the laundry into a basket is no big deal. My kids have been brought up to the smae - no big deal here. Try it guys - its so simple and how you have been brought up stands you in good stead to how things turn out....albeit maybe with real estate agents.... dont knock it cos its not the easy way. Someitimes being so free and laid back is not the easy path at all. anonymous mom! (sue)
On Mel's defence...
Anonymous, You don't know our Mel. She is not a pig living in her own filth! Just reading a couple of blogs doesn't put you in Mel's laundry room.
On the other hand...
If I am the Landlord and want an inspection done on my property, I would also be interested in what type of person is taking care of my investment??? Maybe the 'biatch' was just following orders???
Ps: My Landlord loves me and I love her legs ;) HOT!
Hi Sue (Anonymous),
Interesting points you've raised there. As a veteran of share-housing, to date my tally includes living with a woman who owned a large German Sheppard, and I currently share an apartment with a woman who owns two cats.
Now you'd THINK the Sheppard would have been more of a problem than the cats, wouldn't you ? However, I think it comes down to the owner rather than the pets themselves. True, when I moved into the house with dog-lady the bedroom I was to be living in had a strong odour of dog which never quiet abated (it had been vacant for several months and obviously served as the dog's den). Nonetheless, from the time I moved in the dog was kept mostly outside, was generally well-behaved and didn't annoy me in the slightest despite my being more of a 'cat person'.
On the other hand, the cats I'm living with at the moment (and their owner) shit me to tears ! She leaves their food out all day in the kitchen (which perenially smells of cats piss), they tear up my furniture, and our loungeroom is in a state of permanent squalor with half-chewed cat toys and cardboard boxes ('cat dens') scattered about the floor. If I wasn't planning to move in with my fiance shortly, I'd be moving out to another share house, one without a fat, TV hogging, cat-loving Kiwi !
Why am I telling you all this ? I've been friends with the esteemed Ms.Mellipop for over a decade ... closer to a decade and a half really ... and she's never been someone I would associate with 'squalid ways' or a 'bad' dog-owner.
Yes, she has a penchant for sharing her toothbrush. Yes, Mellipop and Anton sometimes (often) run into trouble trying to stop the boisterous hell-hounds known as Manche & Tonka from chewing their surroundings. But unlike my current flatmate, she's not someone I'd characterise as having 'household hygiene problems' or lazy about housework.
Read the post again, and you'll see its the estate agent that's in the wrong. Granted - Mel has never had much of an affinity for the species, but the glaring disparities between the inspection report and the actual state of the house show in this case the rant is MORE than justified.
That's my two cents worth ...
...personally i don't think we need to pay Anonymous (Sue) much attention really because we all know/ have known Mel and we know the full story....i'm sure Mel is proud of the quick defence that all of her friends have come to but why bother wasting time writing in an effort to persuade this individual goes on
yes youre all quite correct about me not knowing the illustrius melli in person. But reading thru blogs, as one does, it is impossible to do that....but rather gather a random opinion of what info is being shared with the reader, by the author of the blog. The impression melli leaves with this random reader of blogs is not a good one - re: the hygiene situation of her flat. If you know and see melli on a real time basis then thats fine, but just judging from the photos she has posted of her dogs destroying the furniture was a pretty sight. If I were the real estate agent I'd be a tad concerned too, after all if the property was NOT a rental then no one could have an issue with it. Being rented changes the situation slightly. What one does in a home they actually own is their business.
If you watch the show - how clean is your house.....well I guess there would'nt be a show like that if everyone kept theri house spotless!
now cats.....oh my gosh dont get me even started bout them......
Ha ha, be very thankful you don't know me!!!
I can definitely see your point though. Mellipop is about extremes. The mundane details of my everydaylife - washing, cleaning, laundering - rarely get aired on this blog. They make fairly dull reading.
So I do understand that it represents a somewhat distorted perspective of my life.
I am really quite hygenic! Except for the toothbrush thing, and letting my puppies lick me on the face!!
Hi Sue,
Take a breath. To me, judging perfect strangers is too easy, and displays a complete impairment of the imagination. I am guilty of the same thing, at times. But, never with such enthusiasm. It's usually benign carelessness, in my admitted cases.
Criticism NEVER works. The negativism may do something, but never what you intended.
Meanwhile, understanding ALWAYS works. Yet, at least, that requires a half-baked effort.
You spoke of someone I have the privilege of knowing. You do not understand.
With firm and cautious respect,
I'm all for judging strangers. Sue sounds, rather types, like an obnoxious cunt.
I think if my real estate inspector gave me a rap like that I'd probably feel the urgent need to put period to her life. Especially since the place was a shithole when I moved in.
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