Monday, June 20, 2005


Ok, so I'm in the midst of a quandary.

I have some holidays coming up in July. I think.

The plan was to embark on a whirlwind tour of Sydney, to catch up with all of you fine folk back home. This plan is somewhat in question now that Demon Dog Number 2 has decided to undertake a few unauthorised home renovations.

Here is my quandary. Do I come back home for a short trip and whack the fucker on the plastic?

If I come back to Sydney I can (in no order of importance):

1. Buy Busty that Carlton Draught I owe him and catch up on all his bachelor-boy stories
2. Do Nick's tarot reading we missed out on last time and badger him to start writing again
3. Meet Pete's lovely new squeeze IG (oh, and hang out with you too, DB!)
4. Catch up with Baz, who has seemingly disappeared into the abyss
5. Disgust Graham with my accumulated dog poo anecdotes
6. Sponge off my parents for a place to stay and see my Pop
7. Have a few drinks with Aimz so I can hear that priceless manic laughter again
8. Catch up with all the New World crew in general
9. Get to see my brother, sister and my two nieces (who no doubt have forgotten who I am)

I think I have answered my own question. Nostalgia will always win out over slightly increased debt.

Ok, so I'll confirm the dates tomorrow. You buggers better all make yourselves available. Stay posted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top of the list! & it's all thanx to beer.... Finally something I can be proud of..!!!

PS: Aimz doesn't laught the same anymore. The self counscious bitch drinks water now! WATER!!! and paces herself!

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....lets throw our hands up in celebration and prepare to welcome Mellipop back to the land of the living :) this means you will be leaving Anton and the dogs thinks you won't go back if you stay here too long *smirks*.....the New World crew has been alerted (well me, Aimz and Kylie) and we expect your presence for a full night of drinking, reminiscing etc!!!!

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mel... Baz is still floating... Somewhere in the deep abyss that consists of looking after a 6 year old, writing a Project Management Handbook (better get a bonus for that one), playing soccer again - and not just wimpy indoor - outdoor too now.

To answer your question of being available - if parents won't sponge up, plenty of room at my place. Maybe you can take some cat hair back on your clothes (have a 5 month kitten). That might confuse the hell out of kids - then again they may tear your clothes to shreds too... Your call...

4:23 PM  

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