OK, so I've been seriously thinking about getting a tattoo for a few years now (I can right this moment hear my mother wailing from 4000kms away).
Something small. Something discrete. Something that means something.
It's something I keep putting off doing, not because I am unsure about the unquestionable permanency of branding my skin with a symbol that will last forever. But for the denial of what that symbol stands for. The ineradicable truth of what that symbol means to me - which is something I have lost forever. Something which goes much further than skin deep.
I lost one of my best friends almost four years ago. Someone I still think about at least once every day. More than just a friend, she was the little sister I never biologically had, and she was only 17 when she was killed in a car accident. Of the many things we excitedly talked about, were all the things we would do together when she finally turned 18. Clubbing, pubbing, credit-card shopping, prowling for boys.
Me with my few extra years of valuable experience accompanying her on those many rites of passage that make themselves available to us when we legally come-of-age. Me dragging her out onto the cheesy dance floor. Me warning her about the dangers of mixing drinks. Me watching over her maternally while she vomited in the dingy toilet cubicle at some dingy suburban nightclub, making all the appropriate, all-knowing, non-verbal gestures of comfort and sympathy while holding her hair back from the mess. Me kicking the worthless asses of the hordes of young men who dared to mess with her on my shift.
The other thing we talked about was that we were both going together to get tattoos when she turned 18, so neither of us could pussy out when it came to the pain factor. By “neither of us” I meant her. We both agreed that I was the brave one and she was the pussy when it came to the pain factor. I was going to have to hold her hand through it. I never knew exactly what my eternal epidermal totem was going to be, but thought that I still had plenty of time up my sleeve to work it out before the clock ticked around to the big 1-8 for my little sister. Turns out I had more time than I ever could have envisaged, and almost four years down the track I’m still tatt-free.
Amy always knew what tattoo she was going to get. In between bumming my fags, talking about boys, dying my hair some unspeakable colour from the latest Loreal home hair-care range, complaining about her teachers and updating me on the latest bitchy in-fighting going on at school, Amy would talk about her horse. And all things horse-related. And she’d play me the theme song from “The Man From Snowy River” on her piano just about every afternoon while I’d sit and drink endless cups of coffee. She hated playing the piano but she loved playing that song.
Amy wanted a galloping horse as her tattoo.
I quite dislike horses, myself. Truth be told, they terrify me. That didn’t stop Amy from trying to get me on that damn horse of hers. And as persistent as she was, she never did get me anywhere near the stirrups. The closest I ever got was feeding the darn thing carrots through the paddock fence, with my arm at a full superhero stretch. She always thought that was hilarious. But it didn’t stop her from continuing to try.
As it turns out, I never got on her horse and she never got her tattoo. So for the last three years I have been thinking about getting that horse tattoo for her. But I keep pussying out because of the pain factor. Not the physical pain of going through the process, but the emotional pain of what that process now represents, and how fundamentally it differs from what was supposed to be a celebration of our love, our friendship and our misguided sense of youthful immortality. Now - in addition to those other things - it represents mortality, mourning and separation.
So that’s why I haven’t yet gotten that tattoo. The pain factor. I guess maybe I did need her to hold my hand after all.
I wouldn't have read this one if I'd known you do tears equally as well as laughter. It's beautiful Melli.
I second that comment. You need to write a book.
A x talented a girl who can go from writing about dogs and feminine hygiene products to a post as sincere, heartfelt and emotional as never cease to amaze Mel :)
Mmm, even I can't make a cynical comment about that. You're a good friend. Although, you should think long and hard about whether you want a whole horse tatooed onto your butt. Maybe go for something smaller. Like just the carrot.
Many thanks guys ... the smart-arse does reveal a sensitive side - on rare occasion - hidden in amongst all that seemingly endless ranting about tampons and dog poo xo
Though I'm almost certain my overly-cynical side will rail against all this sentiment in an expletive-laden backlash post about something gratuitously crass like penile implants or body odour ettiquette ;)
I can only sustain heartfelt for so long before giving in to the unremitting desire to parody myself.
Umm..... Ha ha Papertrap, who said anything about my butt anyway???? Boys are weird.....
Not much else to add, that hasn't been said already.
Great piece Melli !
Aaw...I knew you had a sweet and loving side by the affection you show for those around you. I remember you telling me about your friend and the horse tattoo when I was in Sydney years ago (you didn't threaten to break my legs back then, this must be a new thing of yours ;)) I haven't had a tatt but my sister has. Not as painful as she thought but it also depends where you get it done. On your back sounds tolerable, on your ankle is very ouchy! Hers is a decent size in one colour.
Go for a stylised silhouette so it can be small, in one colour, and discreet. Get a custom one so only you will have it, now that she can't share it with you (got any arty friends willing to sketch one up for you?)
Mel, you really got me on that one. I had no idea you had lost someone so close, so young and so recently. I feel like having a bawl!!
I can see by the other comments I not the only one nagging you about writing a book.
Is that MY Adele? Awesome! Top work Aimz.....;)
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*Hyacinth Bucket Voice* Yooohoo, Miss Mellipop .... I wonder if I could trouble you for a blog-post ...
Helloooo! Where the (deleted expletive) are you?
Christ, write something already! Even I've managed two blog posts since this one...
...yeah what gives???.....i'm sure you are checking your blog for the comment so hey touch base!!! :)
- * get one! I keep wussing out of getting my tatt. Either Snoopy giving the one fingered salute or something equally defiant & *me*. TC xx IG
Sigh....Sorry guys. Just have nothing to say right now. Haven't even been logging on. Plus, the new Nazi internet regime at work blocks me from visiting Mellipop due to it containing "adult content". Fuckers.
Life is boring. I'm boring. Blah.
Same advice for you Melli as I had for Mark. Work internet problems ?
No worries - surf on over to and use that to access sites your work firewalls would otherwise block. So you should have no more problems getting to your site during office hours :)
....well there you go Mellipop.......1 month and no posts.....where does my life go from here???......without my semi-regular dose of your life my own life just lacks all meaning and focus....(or is this just because of the job that i am in *smirks*)....if you just want to write what you bought when you went grocery shopping and then add something witty at the end i would be well happy with that......come on can't be that hard :)
very well written content on tattoos designs .must read
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