Thursday, January 06, 2005


Ok, so when I was a kid my name when I used to play dress-ups was Susan, which I thought was very adult and sophisticated. Susan looked a lot like Agnetha from ABBA and I think she used to smoke. Her husband was called Steven.

I don’t much like the name Steven now. I dated one once. Well, OK, it was more serious than that. We lived together for 18 months. He was a homeless unemployed drug addict when I met him. My parents thought he was JUST GREAT! So did all my friends, who were thrilled that I had landed myself such A GOOD CATCH.

Last time I saw him he was just another unemployed junkie with rotting teeth. Last time I heard from him was when he rang my mother’s place looking for me because he had just been beaten up and had a broken jaw. Presumably he had no money and nowhere to stay. I didn’t return his call.

If I were to play dress-ups now, my name would be Audrey and I would look like a young Deborah Harry. Audrey would stay away from homeless drug addicts and NOT try to save them. She knows better now.


Blogger Mel said...

Yeah - I didn't find out until after we'd broken up but apparently Steven would dress up and PRETEND to go to work every day when he had actually been sacked! He thought that I'd be pissed off if he got sacked from another job (shit yeah!) so instead of trying to find another job he just went out everyday and pretended to go to work.... God only knows what he did every day... He was very odd.

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can totally relate. That sounds exactly like my ex husband. Even when I was 9 months pregnant he refused to go look for work. I would come home from working 11 hours and he would be glued to the t.v. playing video games.

Good for you for not calling him back.

1:03 AM  
Blogger night-rider said...

Hey Melli, Just caught up on your recent posts which are of the usual high standard. Thanks for missing me. I might steal Bree's list as well if I have the energy but will try to post something in the next couple of days. Difficult on friends' computers - still on hols!

4:10 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Welcome to the CIRCLE OF LOVE craftopalooza and welcome back nightrider!

And thanks David, for yet another disturbing insight into that crazy Staypuff mind...;) I'd like to hear more but I'm really quite afraid to ask for all the gory details....

5:51 PM  

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