Saturday, November 06, 2004


Ok, so the afternoon is shaping up to be pretty darn perfect. It’s Friday afternoon, I‘ve blown off the gym and stopped in at one of the three bottlos on the ten minute walk home from the train station. You can’t get a loaf of bread on a Sunday in Perth but you can get alcohol any time of the day or night. So riding high on my TWO pay checks this week, I did a spontaneous grog stop on the way home. Fine WA beer & wine.

So I’m strutting on down the street with Simon and Garfunkel singing “Homeward Bound”, which is usually a poignant experience but today I’m buzzing ‘cos the roses are all in bloom and God’s taking care of the Life Plan for a little while. Even here in WA. Even though I took a call today from a nice old duck who sounded just like my mum and I started missing everyone again. But they’ve scooped the dead magpie I kept almost stepping on out of the gutter, so everything is AOK.

And when I open the front door the dog greets me with a bus ticket in her mouth ‘cos she’s gotten into handbag number two while I was out today but I don’t care. I will find a bottle opener if it kills me. Otherwise I will happily crush all of my back molars getting that damn beer open so that sweet, sweet liquor with it’s zesty apple flavour may renew its acquaintance with my desperately impatient tastebuds.

Plus, Anton isn’t home for another hour or so, giving me some free Blogger time. As I sit here writing this, I have Frank Sinatra pumped up singing “My Way” and I have my freshly opened bottle of Little Creatures Pale Ale nearby. In fact, I have five more of them after that. Fabulous Freo $15 six-pack of beer. Alcohol and alliteration on a Friday afternoon. So decadent.

Plus I have a whole day off tomorrow. So no need to worry about the possible consequences of drinking all six bottles of Little Creatures, for fear of Big Hangover. And I feel stupidly liberated because I can buy shit again….. Boutique beer, bottles of wine, a new pair of running shoes, a stack of CDs, takeout on a Friday night. Plus I can get my iPod fixed. A list of indiscriminate crap I think I really need is already forming in my mind.

And best of all, Anton is bringing puppies home from the pet shop tonight. Two poor little kelpie-crosses that have been at the pet store for so long that they are becoming timid and socially repressed. And tonight is the beginning of their rehabilitiation process. Getting them used to experiencing strange surrounds, people and events. Otherwise defined as getting the poor little buggers belted around by our hard-headed Staffy and letting them pee and poo all over the house.

Should be a good night. Here’s hoping that I can make it past 8:30…..

POSTSCRIPT ADDED SAT MORNING: Indeed, the puppies were sheer joy. Exceptionally timid at first, it was a successful exercise in re-introducing them to the world. Until bed time. Then they cried and yelped until 1am, at which point Anton leapt out of bed and drove them straight back to the pet store, against my feeble protests. Good fun otherwise.


Blogger night-rider said...

Glad you are back and I can't wait for your mum's take on the 'nice old duck' remark!

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mum's take on "nice old duck"..Mel never calls me nice..and duck well goose is her preferred word..and old well Mel has me one foot in the grave at 53

3:43 PM  

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