Ok, so there is a weird synchronicity vibe going on with me today. For the last week or so, I have been repeatedly drawing these enigmatic angel cards that tell me that they (the angels…duh) are currently speaking to me in the form of repetitious signs, thoughts and images, and if I pay attention to these, important messages will be revealed to me.
Today, the angels spoke, and I listened with somewhat baffled awe. You see, my important “signs” have come to me three times today in the form of….SAUSAGES. Now this is seriously weird and I’m still yet to work out the significance of the sausage. Admittedly there was nothing quite as momentous as seeing the Virgin Mary apppear in my sausage roll at lunch (damn... should have done the sausage roll instead of the boring cheese sanger today), but at least two of the symbols were pretty darn coincidental in terms of both how specific and uncommon they were.
So get this - these were my three DIVINE SIGNS.
1) Approximately 7am this morning - I begin reading “Yes, Prime Minister” on the train, a book that has languished untouched on my shelf for years until now – after the dog eats my harcover copy of The Winds of War by Herman Wouk, when I am only about 100 pages into the action. I mean, the goddamn war hadn’t even started yet and here I come home to a shredded mess of literature on my bedroom floor. 800 pages worth…
Anyway, the first chapter of “Yes, Prime Minister” features the potential banning of the “BRITISH SAUSAGE” by the European Union as the central comic motif. Naturally, I didn’t think much of it at the time. Why would I have?
2) Approximately 4 pm this afternoon - I walk out of the office and there is a truck parked directly across the road. On its side is a big logo that says “THE BRITISH SAUSAGE”. Now this spins me out somewhat, though my logical mind attempts to downplay the significance and attempts to convince me to cast it off as mere coincidence. But the fact that the “British” element of the sausage is emphasised in both cases gets me thinking hard at this point.
So I have a quick mental conversation with the angels (yes…. I do it all the time, as a matter of fact) and tell them that if it really is a sign - if I’m to swallow this whole crazy business - I need to have the sausage symbol re-affirmed again today. Of course, my cynical self expected no such sign to occur.
3) Approximately 5:30 pm this afternoon – We are at the park in East Freo with the dog, waiting to meet up with her little Staffy playmate so they can belt each other around a bit. While we are there, we walk past a group of people, paying them no mind, until I hear one voice rise above the rest. She says, and I quote “I should have brought the sausages down today”. End quote.
I have no choice but to wait for further advice from my angel friends. I swear, I sincerely think there is something in all of this that I need to know. Damn smarty-pants angels and their deliberately cyptic messages. I wish they’d just come to me in a dream or a vision or whatever and forget all this nonsense with the bloody sausages already….. I’m really not that clever.
Well the obvious answer is a British lover on the horizon, but I expect you thought of and discaded this one already ( surely the sausage can be aligned with the snake in symbolic terms?)
A friend just showed me this neat website full of one liner joke
I cant believe the quantity an quality of humerous one liner joke it contains
Heres one of the jokes i found on it:
Bob brought some friends home to his apartment one night after they had been out painting the town. One friend noticed a big brass gong in Bobs bedroom and asked about it."Thats not a gong" Bob replied "thats a talking clock. Watch this!"
Bob struck the gong and sure enough a voice on the other side of the wall screamed "Hey your jerk its 3 o'clock in the morning!"
Hey I agree 100% agree with the last few comments. This blog has great opinions and this is why I continue to visit, thanks! ##link#
Hey I agree 100% agree with the last few comments. This blog has great opinions and this is why I continue to visit, thanks! ##link#
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